A design for Arthritis and Neuropathy relief. Very similar to my Tranquility design with a few additional gemstones for pain relief.
Pietersite: Encourages inner exploration and links us to our inner self. Helps one to master periods of change. Loosens stubborn blocks and clears up confusion. Helps one cope with inner conflict and unpleasant feelings. Provides grounding to the etheric body. Assists in finding alternative ways to transform a part of one's life to a more desirable state.
Hematite: Connects spirit to body through increased blood flow and iron transmission to the blood. Encourages vitality & dynamism. Strengthens the will & sharpens instincts. Increases stability, security & physical well being. Activates “EarthStar” Chakra, grounding higher vibrational energies from the upper chakras. Helps one to feel “grounded”.
Smokey Quartz: Channels white light energy of crown chakra into 1st chakra to be rooted deeply into the physical plane. Increases stress tolerance, encourages relaxation and penetrates, dissolves and transforms negative energy patterns on the physical, mental and emotional blockages, which cause dis-ease. Releases old sources of dis-ease. Has a relaxing effect and eliminates stress. Alleviates pain.
Carnelian: Lifts the emotions and clears confusion. Joins the emotions, instincts and conscious purpose. Serves as a grounder of energies. Promotes steadfastness and assists in utilization of personal power. Lifts the emotions and awakens our inherent talents and gifts. Stimulates the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the blood.
Amazonite: Enhances Calm and helps one to realize the cause of blockages on all levels, giving one the ability to release and clear that blockage. Strengthens the heart and physical body and relieves muscle spasms and cramps. Assists in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one’s own inner conflicts.
Petrified Wood: A “stone of transformation” assisting one to ascend to a higher aspect of self. Sensitizes one to the rhythms of the Earth and helping in realizing the lessons of the past. Assists with all types of healing, and especially any issues associated with age, such as osteoporosis, and arthritis.
Malachite: Clears repressed emotions and draws out negative energy by surfacing the psychic-emotional causes. Reflects to the conscious mind that which needs cleansing. Helps make one more aware of ones desires, needs and ideals. Penetrates through, surfaces and absorbs suppressed feelings, emotions, old pain and traumas to be consciously healed. Fortifies the capacity to observe. Stimulates brain and nerve activity and has an overall detoxifying effect. Stimulates instinctive and intuitive reasoning, allowing for change and evolution. Restores cells to balanced state.
Lapis Lazuli: Encourages wisdom, self-awareness, dignity, honesty and up-rightness. Assists one to develop the stability and power of mind for the functioning of the soul force. Clarifies choices and emphasizes empowerment through free choice. Lapis Lazuli helps to foster full verbal expression, and clears problems caused by “swallowing your tongue”. Lapis encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing information with others, including an easier voicing/communication of anger. Physically, Lapis Lazuli helps with the immune system, thyroid and nervous system. It can alleviate headaches, migraines, fevers and pain.
Hawkeye: Assists in gaining proper perspective on daily life issues. Brings deep peace and healing energy directly into the body by toning down the body’s energy flow. Calming and releases stress. It aids the quick-tempered, overanxious and phobic.
Bloodstone: Neutralizes the toxins within the liver and provides for elimination of the toxins. It also revitalizes one in cases of exhaustion and tiredness. Used to increase energy and strength. Helps provide balance, and to help one overcome fearfulness and worry. Bloodstone is thought to enhance intuition and creativity, and can be used to combat fatigue, irritability and confusion.
Black Tourmaline: Encourages patience and openness. Encourages elimination and has a detoxifying effect. Purifies and strengthens the nervous system to accommodate greater electrical force or “Spirit Force”. Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. Increases physical vitality and for grounding and protection, and aids in opening up the Root Chakra. Physically, Black Tourmaline is a purifying and detoxifying stone, helpful in cleansing the body.
Rhodonite: Replaces erratic emotions with a secure sense of being loved. Assists in maintaining a loving state in daily life. Encourages self-worth and forgiveness. Activates, stimulates, clears and energizes the heart chakra and grounds the resonance of unconditional love to the physical plane. . It assists one in staying in heart while holding one’s ground. A stone of power, bringing strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution. Stimulates the metabolism.
Dumortierite: Promotes an understanding of karma and forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness. Assists in making spiritual ideas easier to express, and also encourages the user to speak up for him/herself . Brings a feeling of relaxation, calm and harmony, and can be used to reduce stress-related conditions like headaches and tension. Help one gain control of their lives by assisting us to see things for what they really are and free us from illusions which prevent us from growing, perhaps through fear of change.
Azurite: Inspires one to listen from within. Motivates higher thinking by surfacing deep, subconscious old thought patterns into the conscious mind for objective review. This process renews, refreshes and re-motivates the thinking to serve a higher purpose, releasing patterns that create “dis-ease” on all levels. Raises awareness and initiates the transformation that integrates the physical with the spiritual. Brings harmony to conditions of inner conflict.
Chrysocolla: Encourages neutrality, clarity, a balanced nature and self-awareness. Is an emotional balancer vibrating peaceful compassion. Promotes unconditional love and healthy self-esteem. Lowers the blood pressure.
Daily Affirmation
As I greet this day I bring my awareness to my emotional body and I embark on another journey of self-discovery. I know that my perspective of life is sometimes clouded by the emotional wounds and scars that I carry deep within me. With the support of kind Pietersite to assist me in coping with the unprocessed images of my past, I AM prepared to let go of stubborn blocks and inner conflicts that confuse me.
With my first thought I position my feet on Mother Earth and stand centered in my own power. I feel my powerful kundalini energy within me and supported by Hematite, I sense my blood flowing smoothly and the feeling of vitality and wholeness as my physical body and spirit become united as one. With the aid of Smokey Quartz I call in the beautiful white light energy from my crown and visualize it filling my entire Being as it gently dissolves and removes any negative energies trapped deeply within ME. At this moment I experience more awareness and it is with a smooth flow of energy that my body comes into full alignment with my awakening soul. Steadfast Carnelian lifts my emotions and awakens within me my inherent creative gifts and talents assisting me in the utilization of universal creative power. I AM vitalized with dynamic strength on all levels.
Ancient Petrified wood reminds me of my connection to the Earth Mother with her natural state of perfect balance and health as they are mirrored in my own being. As I attune my thoughts and emotions to the rhythms of my planet I feel a sense of belonging which facilitates my advancement to a higher aspect of myself. I remember that soothing Amazonite stands beside me to relax and calm me as I face my inner emotional challenges, encouraging me to accept myself and let go of the old pains.
Penetrating the catacombs of my emotions, master Malachite helps me to surface the emotional chains that have held me in bondage for too long and mighty Azurite inspires me to consciously review my old subconscious emotional thought patterns, allowing me to release them forever into the light of day. Luminous Hawkeye brings deep peace and healing energy directly into my body as it regulates and balances the flow of energy through my being and in each new moment I AM gaining a better perspective on my daily life.
With the assistance of gentle Bloodstone, all the cells of my body are releasing the tensions and toxins that have no place in my energy fields and the lightness of spirit recharges my being. My inner restlessness is coming to an end and with clarity and understanding my consciousness releases the old emotional patterns that have obstructed and blocked my vibration. Leading me in patience and openness, Black Tourmaline encourages a new and special way of experiencing my inner life and reminds me to let go of that which is no longer serving me so that I can vibrate with ever more “Spirit Force”.
With the peaceful support of wise Lapis Lazuli, I intuitively trust who I AM and with an expanded capacity for awareness, I see the magic of becoming my Higher Self. As I confidently step forward into my world I know that gracious Rhodonite will replace any erratic emotions I experience with a secure sense of being grounded in love and I AM emotionally balanced. . My loving companion Dumortierite, vibrates a friendly, comforting energy that lifts my mood and, I AM filled with hope and peaceful blue Chrysocolla softens any stress I feel with its healing blue ray dissolving any excess energy and vibrating peaceful compassion throughout the whole of my being.
Each moment of this day I AM calm, I AM serene and today I live in a perfect state of balanced Tranquility