The root chakra is the energy center of vitality, physical energy and self-preservation. It activates and strengthens the will to live, the will to survive and the will to manifest.
Hematite - Connects spirit to body through iron transmission to the blood. Encourages vitality & dynamism. Strengthens the will & sharpens instincts. Increases stability, security & physical well being. Activates the “EarthStar” Chakra.
Dark Green Tourmaline - Encourages patience and openness. Encourages elimination and has a detoxifying effect. Purifies and strengthens the nervous system to accommodate greater electrical force “Spirit Force”
Smokey Quartz - Channels white light energy of crown chakra into 1st chakra to be rooted deeply into the physical plane. Increases stress tolerance, encourages relaxation and penetrates, dissolves and transforms negative energy patterns.
Hawkeye - Assists in gaining proper perspective on daily life issues. Brings deep peace and healing energy directly into the body by toning down the body’s energy flow.
Clear Quartz - Encourages clarity & neutrality thus improving perception and understanding. Supplies, stores, amplifies, enhances, and transmits energy.
Red Jasper - Dynamically enhances determination, courage, willpower and honesty. Stimulates the imagination and helps transform ideas into action. Stimulates circulation and energy flow.
Garnet - Motivates, adjusts and balances the flow of energy through the physical body and between the physical body and the subtle bodies. Eliminates blockages, fortifies the power of regeneration in the body and stimulates the metabolism.
Carnelian - Serves as a grounder of energies. Promotes steadfastness and assists in utilization of personal power. Lifts the emotions and awakens our inherent talents and gifts. Stimulates the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the blood.
Daily Affirmation
With my first thought I position my feet on Mother Earth and stand centered in my own power. I feel my powerful kundalini energy within me and supported by powerful Hematite, I sense my blood flowing smoothly and the feeling of vitality and wholeness as my physical body and spirit become united as one. Leading me in patience and openness, Dark Green Tourmaline encourages a new and special way of experiencing my inner life and reminds me to let go of that which is no longer serving me so that I can vibrate with evermore “Spirit Force”. With the aid of Smokey Quartz I call in the beautiful white light energy from my crown and visualize it filling my entire Being as it gently dissolves and removes any negative energies trapped deeply within ME.
At this moment I experience more awareness and it is with a smooth flow of energy that my body comes into full alignment with my awakening soul. I thank you, luminescent Hawkeye, for enhancing my broader vision so that I might see more clearly this day before me. Today I choose to step into my highest self and calling upon Clear Quartz I open myself to clarity and understanding. With Jasper beside me I stand ready to embrace my world with honesty, determination and confident willpower. Grand Garnet stimulates and balances the energy flow between my physical self and my energy selves and Grounding Carnelian helps me not fall prey to distractions.
My body is calmly balanced and anchored to Mother Earth, my emotions are healthy and centered and my spirit is ready for my journey this day.