The Time Link Crystals are Master Crystals that have a perfect parallelogram as the lower left or lower right edge one of its front faces.
If the parallelogram is on the right side as you face the crystal, the spiral is spinning in a clockwise direction or forward into the future (Future Time-Link). These Future Timelinks ignite creativity and inspiration.
If the parallelogram is on the left side as you face the crystal, the energy is spinning counter clockwise or backwards into the past (Past Time-Link). These Past Timelinks remind you to be patient and give yourself “time”.
If there are multiple parallelograms on the crystal this formation would indicate that multi-dimensional realities can be perceived through that particular Time Link Crystal.
Both of these Master Crystals understand time and are able to work both inside and outside of time’s limiting influences. Time Links are like bridges that the soul can travel upon in order to consciously connect with aspects of the self existing in other times and places. With the aid of the Master Time Links, parts of ourselves that have been frozen in time due to trauma, pain and misunderstanding can be set free.