
I began my journey with the stones at a very early age.  As a young boy I always kept one eye on the ground wherever I went in hopes of finding a special “stone treasure” and I often had a "pocket of rocks"!  I’ve had a collection of crystals and stones for as long as I can remember.  In the mid 90's as I found my spiritual center and began investigating the energy of the gemstones and crystals and how they could be used for conscious healing and conscious evolution, I began studying and investigating more and more about the use of crystals for energetic expansion, spiritual growth and physical healing. 

Synchronicity led me to a local crystologist Dr. Helen Byrne (now deceased), who was not only a certified teacher of Melody’s “Laying on of Stones” crystal healing techniques but also certified in Katrina Raphael’s crystal healing methods.  She taught a combination of these two crystal healing modalities through her School of Atlantean Crystalonics.  My first two courses in her school were done in small groups and after those first classes, I studied privately with her for another year so as to refine my knowledge and get specific regarding some physical challenges that my daughter was experiencing at the time.  I graduated from the school with a Practitioner of Crystology Certification in January of 2001.

In working with the stone layouts on my clients’ bodies I was inspired to create crystal healing jewelry that carried the same or similar stone combinations as those of my healing layouts that could be created into jewelry and could be worn for longer periods of time with the benefit of extended physical exposure to the crystals and gemstones for optimal results.  I have developed a unique line of 40 different consciousness enhancement and intentional healing jewelry designs.  Please visit my Jewelry page to see my complete selection of gemstone jewelry designs.

In the summer of 2001 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to make a trip to Arkansas on a crystal mining trip.  I never suspected when I made the trip out to Arkansas in my SUV that I'd have to arrange a 40 foot U-Haul truck to bring back a barn full of crystals, most of which were still in their original clay, packed in 5 gallon buckets.  These crystals have an incredible clarity and lightness to their energy and they were originally mined in the late 1980's.  At the time the partner owners of the mine ran into business differences which ultimately led to one of the owners being bought out with payment being made with all of the mine's crystal inventory at the time.

I've been cleaning, sorting, identifying and sending these amazing crystals out into the world for the last 15 years and my customers are always amazed at the high vibration of these crystals.  I work with them myself all the time and I love their extremely high vibration and their amazing clarity.

Choral Illumination Lighted Sculpture       Manzanita Burl Master Crystal Set          Crystal Cathedral of Light Sculpture

Choral Illumination Lighted Sculpture       Manzanita Burl Master Crystal Set          Crystal Cathedral of Light Sculpture

In addition to my crystal and gemstone jewelry designs, I also do custom crystal display stands and sculptures.  Above are a few examples of some of my crystal display art.

Arkansas Crystal mine near Mt. Ida, Arkansas

Arkansas Crystal mine near Mt. Ida, Arkansas